Reading List
Women at the University of Florida
By Marry Ann Burg, Kevin McCarthy, Phyliss Meek, Constance Shehan, Anita Spring, Nina Stoyan-Rosenzeig and Betty Taylor
"This is the story of women at UF: how they were not accepted during the regular academic year unless the courses they wanted were not offered elsewhere in Florida; how they were finally admitted after World War II; how they had to overcome many obstacles (the nepotism rule, blatant discrimination, lower salaries than their counterpart males); but how today they occupy important faculty and administrative positions on campus and excel as students at all levels."
Women and Leadership

Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind
By Mary Field Belenky
"Despite the progress of the women's movement, many women still feel silenced in their families and schools. This moving and insightful bestseller, based on in-depth interviews with 135 women, explains why they feel this way."

Seven Secrets of Successful Women: Success Strategies of the Women Who Have Made It - And How You Can Follow Their Lead
By Donna Brooks and Lynn Brooks
"For years, professional women have been hindered by traditional role models, stereotyped views, and even their own family's attitudes. In this eye-opening book, Donna and Lynn Brooks explore the strategies these women have used to succeed--and provide a blueprint any woman can use to achieve success in their personal and professional lives."

What Women Really Want: How American Women Are Quietly Erasing Political, Racial, Class, and Religious Lines to Change the Way We Live
By Kellyanne Conway and Celinda Lake
"Stronger than political parties, mightier than religious differences, able to leap cultural schisms in a single bound, women are quietly exerting a unified power to make changes in our culture and in commerce, meeting in the middle to achieve their goals. But they’re not using traditional means such as getting together and voting or banging on closed doors to demand equal access. In virtually every arena where American women are causing a sea change, they are bypassing the traditional settings that ignore their needs and are creating parallel circuits, which, in turn, then affect the old standards."

The Female Advantage: Women's Ways of Leadership
By Sally Helgesen
"Helgesen's findings reveal that organizations run by women do not take the form of the traditional hierarchical pyranaid, but more closely resemble a web, where leaders reach out, not down, to form an interrelating matrix built around a central purpose. She presents her findings through unique, closely detailed accounts of four successful women business leaders -- Frances Hesselbein of Girl Scouts USA, Barbara Grogan of Western Industrial Contractors, Nancy Badore of Ford Motor Company's Executive Development Center, and Dorothy Brunson of Brunson Communications."

On Becoming a Woman Leader: Learning from the Experiences of University Presidents 1st Edition
By Susan R. Madsen
"Based on years of research, this book provides an analysis of the data gathered from extensive interviews with university presidents. Each of these women offers candid information about their lifelong journey to becoming a leader. The discussion about the leaders’ college years provides insight into what influenced their leadership development, decisions, and perspectives."